I run a small media company and have an admirable young junior member of staff who works well, is (or would be) popular and is a good team player. But he comes to work and he smells. I don't know if it is his armpits, his clothes or his feet, but the pong is the subject of much comment in the office and is really off-putting. I think the other employees expect me to do something about it, but what? Can I get someone else to tell him or must I? And how?
There is one word in your message that fills me with dread. That word isn't smell - it's small.How small is your media company, I wonder? Is it too small to have a personnel person for you to dump the problem on? One of the beauties of personnel is they can tell malodorous workers that they must wash more carefully, and then give precise instructions and targets for how it is to be done.
Assuming that there is no such person, you have a serious problem. Such is the mad and twisted nature of managing other people that telling someone they have BO can be harder than telling them they are fired.
Partly this is because we are squeamish and were taught as children never to make personal remarks. It is also because the intimacy of what people get up to (or not) in their bathrooms is outside the remit of managers. To go crashing into this zone would be horribly embarrassing for you, and humiliating for the smeller. Worse still, after this most hideous of embarrassments, normal working relationships must be resumed. In all, it would better for everyone if you outsource the job to someone else.