I have a specific idea in mind 我有个具体想法。
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on how to improve my ideas 我很想听听你对改进我的这个想法有何高见。
I'd like to use your design skills to produce a fantastic product 我很想用你的设计技巧来制作一个精美的产品。
I need to sign off your designs before they go into production 在投产之前我需要签署你的设计。
I've got to prioritise. This task is the most important so I'm going to concentrate on this first.我得按照轻重缓解来安排工作。这件事儿很重要,所以我需要集中力量先来处理它。
It would be a great help if you could do this for me please. 假如你能帮我做些其它的事儿,就再好不过了。
I'm going to have to put that off until tomorrow I'm afraid. 那件事儿我恐怕得等明天才能做。
We've got to pull out all the stops. 我们需要使出浑身解数,全力以赴。
We have an order we need to process urgently. 我们需要急速的处理一个订单。
We need to pull out all the stops to get this sorted. 我们需要使出浑身解数,全力以赴的 处理这个订单。
This is our number one priority. 这是当下首要的任务。
It is made of the highest quality plastic and I'm convinced it's something your business needs. 此产品使用最好的塑料制作而成,我相信它正是贵公司所需的产品。
This product has been designed to the highest specifications. It's tough and durable. 这个产品的设计拥有**的规格。非常结实和耐用。
It is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant table. 此产品摆放在任何一家咖啡馆或饭店的餐桌上都再合适不过了。
We can offer you a generous discount. Plus, all our products come with a money-backguarantee. 我们可以给予丰厚的折扣。还有,所有产品都有全额退款质保。
This promotion recognises your achievements at the company. 升职是对你为公司做出贡献的认可。
It's an opportunity of a lifetime. 这是一生中难得的机会。
You would be my right-hand man/woman. 你将成为我的得力助手。
And what you might say:
I'd be delighted to accept. Thank you. 我非常乐意接受这个工作。谢谢。
When would I start? 我什么时候开始上班?
Could we discuss the terms and conditions of the new job? 我们能不能谈一下新工作的条款和细则?