关于校园欺凌的话题引发热议,造成这一现象的原因是什么?会导致什么后果?如何解决?关于student behaviour problems北外网课也有话说。
bullying 恃强凌弱的行为(n.)
school bully 校园霸凌
bully 恃强凌弱者(n.) 欺侮,霸凌(v.) victim 被害人 bystander 旁观者
Bullying in schools is growing concern.
The truth behind bullying is that there isn't one stereotypical "bully." Risk factors that lead to bullying range from low self-confidence and anxiety to an inflated sense of self-esteem.
stereotypical 老套的(这里理解为典型的)
range from … to … 范围从…到…
anxiety: 焦虑
inflated 膨胀的(adj.)
self-confidence 自信 self-esteem 自尊
Causes of bullying: 造成霸凌的原因
Physical violence in the media 媒体当中的暴力
Dysfunctional families 不正常的家庭
The presence of bystanders 旁观者的出现
A response to peer pressures 对同龄压力的反应
Bullying causes many problems, not only for the victim, but also for the bully.
Who are Bullied 被霸凌者
Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues.
Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns. These issues may persist into adulthood.
Health complaints 健康症状
Decreased academic achievement 下降的学术成绩
Who Bully Others霸凌者
Kids who bully are more likely to:霸凌别人的孩子更可能会
Abuse alcohol and other drugs in adolescence and as adults 在青年和成年时期酗酒或吸毒
Get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school 打架,破坏公共财产,辍学
Have criminal convictions and traffic citations as adults 成年后有犯罪记录或交通罚单
Be abusive toward their romantic partners, spouses, or children as adults
Bystanders 旁观者
Kids who witness bullying are more likely to: 旁观霸凌的孩子更可能会
Have increased use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs 更多的吸烟,酗酒或吸毒
Have increased mental health problems, including depression and anxiety
Miss or skip school 逃学
victim will often suffer through the abuse because he is ashamed or he doesn't believe that change will happen if he tells.
School Solutions 解决方案--学校
Set up programs to educate all students from a young age about the dangers and effects of bullying. 建立专门项目来从小教育学生关于霸凌的危险和后果。
Offer a safe environment for students to discuss problems they may have with another student. 提供一个安全的环境让学生们讨论他们之间的问题。
Set a policy related to bullying, such as required counseling for the bully and victim and a scale of disciplinary actions, such as required community service, depending on the severity of the case. 设立相关政策,例如为霸凌者和受害者提供咨询,根据事件严重程度,设立一定范围的纪律处分,例如强制的社区服务。
Educate all teachers on how to deal with bullying in the classroom effectively through one-on-one interaction with the student. 教育老师如何通过一对一干预有效处理霸凌。
Set up meetings with parents of bullies and victims. 设立霸凌者和受害者家长的双方会议。
Monitor areas where students have less supervision to prevent bullies from easy opportunities to bully. 监控学生被监督减少的区域;或者预先阻止霸凌易发机会。
Encourage all students to report incidents of bullying, whether they are victims or witnesses.
Parental Solutions 解决方案 – 父母
Parents need to have a clear understanding of what constitutes bullying and the schools bullying policies so that they can recognize the signs and take all incidents of peer abuse seriously. 家长要清晰的理解什么构成了霸凌以及学校的霸凌处理政策,这样他们就能认清霸凌迹象并认真对待所有同龄霸凌事件。
A parent of a bully needs to take steps to work with the child by finding out why the child is bullying and determining if the child needs professional counseling.霸凌者的父母需要有步骤的和孩子一起找到行为的原因,并决定是否孩子需要专业咨询。
Parents can also encourage empathy by explaining to the child what empathy is and showing the child by example.霸凌者的父母还可以鼓励孩子的同理心,通过解释什么是同理心并给出示范例子。
Parents can teach her effective ways of managing anger or feelings. 父母可以教会孩子如何管理愤怒或情绪。
Constant communication, through phone calls, notes and meetings between parents and school is necessary to prevent bullying. 父母和学校之间的通过电话,记录或会议的持续交流对阻止霸凌是必要的。