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2015-12-03 10:02:54 来源:北外网课



  BEC商务英语口试的几个阶段: Part 1 Interview 3min, Part 2 Mini-Presentation 6min, Part 3 Collaborative Talk 7min。Part 1的问题分为两类:personal information和opinions on a business issue,例如:Can you tell me a little about your work or studies and about your future career plans? Could you tell me what you think the advantages are for people in your country of spending time working abroad? Part 2的问题分为三类:The importance of ...;How to…; The factors involved in ...,例如:Information management: the importance of an effective internal communication system in a company;Personal skills: how to motivate employees to achieve their full potential;Technology: the factors involved in assessing the cost-effectiveness of new technology。Part 3通常给出一个背景介绍,然后列出两个讨论点,例如:Your company is proposing to send a team of staff abroad for six months to set up an office and train local employees. You have been asked to make some recommendations for the project. Discuss and decide together: how to select appropriate staff to manage the project;what preparation and advice the staff would need before leaving。每一个阶段除了主要的考试内容以外,在每个阶段考生应注意一些要点和考试技巧。

  在Part 1中考生可以实现对与自身学习、工作、生活方面的介绍做一个事先的准备,以便在Part 1的考试中给主考官一个比较好的印象。在Part 2 的考试中,考生不能仅仅认为准备好自己的部分就可以了,而是必须要认真的听同组的考生的话,以免考官针对同组考生的陈述而提出问题,考生不能回答。而在Part 3 中,两位考生讨论和回答问题应遵循轮换的原则,但如果一方沉默一定的时间,则另一方是不能袖手旁观而应该及时的接下话题,否则双方不能获得好的成绩。同时在讨论的阶段,双方应该以试图说服对方为目的的进行讨论,即使讨论结束仍然不能达成共识,也没有关系,切忌双方都"自说自话"。



